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Frequently Asked Questions About Family Water Alliance

FWA Working for You
“A grassroots Voice Committed to Rural Communities”


Who is FWA?

Family Water Alliance is a coalition of people who are concerned about the future of agriculture, private property rights, rural communities, and the balance between man and nature.


What does FWA Do?

FWA educates through newsletters, public meetings, press releases, letters to our elected officials, freeway signs, and local media. In addition, FWA testifies at public hearings, meets with local, state, federal public officials, and other agricultural and resource based groups.

FWA develops coalitions of people, and interests to resolve conflicts and find solutions that are both beneficial to man and nature.


What is the FWA mission?

The mission of Family Water Alliance is to educate the people regarding issues that affect rural communities.


How is FWA funded?

FWA is a 501c(3) non profit educational corporation. FWA is funded by donors who believe in the goals and objectives of Family Water Alliance.


How many people does FWA reach?

FWA reaches nearly 5,000 people through our quarterly newsletter and thousands more through our website and public outreach.


What type of issues does FWA address?

Family Water Alliance addresses numerous issues that directly affect rural agricultural communities, whether is be land use, water rights, private property rights or our economic environment.

Some of our issues are land acquisitions, ecosystem restoration, environmental regulation, the degradation of our flood control system, increased fees, and demands on our water supplies as well as many other issues that threaten the economic viability of agriculture in the Central Valley of California.


How is FWA staffed?

FWA is managed by all volunteer board of directors. A full-time Chief Operations Officer and Chief Financial Officer.


What are FWA’s most recent key accomplishments?

  • Supported local farmers as they created the Tuscan Groundwater District in Butte County.

  • Campaign to stop the abuse of eminent domain by local governments, including Yolo County’s abuse of this power to acquire the 17,300 acre Conaway Ranch and its water rights.

  • Working to implement changes to the Endangered Species Act that are compatible with property rights, and promote policies that lead to the recovery and delisting of species in a manner that does not burden property owners.

  • Installation and monitoring of over 43 fish screens; providing ESA protections to farmers, while simultaneously protecting the fishery resource.

  • Testimony to the U.S. Congress and the California State Legislature to promote programs and legislation designed to protect private property and water rights, preserve agriculture, and to promote increased flood protection.


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2963 Davison Ct, Suite A 

Colusa, CA 95932

Phone: (530) 458-8726

© 2023 Family Water Alliance

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